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Corporate Social Responsibility & Environmental Policy

The Owners, directors and teams at Iconic Luxury Hotels (ILH) are committed to the sensitive custodianship of their hotels and their estates and undertake to actively support the local environment and economy wherever possible.

Building on this policy of environmental awareness and corporate social responsibility ILH continue to be focused on reducing our environmental impact by adopting positive measures aimed at reducing energy consumption and wastage, controlling waste products and the sensitive usage of water supplies.

Raised awareness of key environmental issues and their impact has lead ILH to establish Corporate Social Responsibility Committees’ whose remit is to monitor and take steps to improve the environmental and corporate social responsibility policy in operation at the hotels and to ensure its full implementation.

Initiatives include:

• Conducting all business dealings with integrity and respect to human rights, promoting safety and the highest standards of ethics and professionalism.

• ILH has a commitment to legality and a willingness to observe community values and protect the natural environment

• Communicating our environmental and corporate social responsibility policy to all teams and managers. Developing greater awareness of the importance of implementing the strategy including establishing annual departmental awards and nominating ‘champions’ within the teams to drive forward initiatives.

• To continue to operate sound business practices which identify the financial and environmental importance of reducing waste, improving energy efficiency and conserving and recycling materials.

• To inform guests visiting our properties of our corporate social responsibility policy and the initiatives taken and to actively seek to improve our levels of service without prejudicing our guests’ enjoyment.

• To review the environmental policies of all our suppliers and actively encourage good environmental practice wherever possible.

• To continue to source local produce within the framework of good financial management without compromising on the quality of the ingredients supplied.

• To work with the environmental agencies to monitor the flora and fauna on all our estates.

• Good stewardship of the estates including the planting of native species of trees, developing wildlife habitats and minimising our environmental impact on the areas of special interest.

• To actively lobby against any activities which could prejudice the harmony and amenity of the environment and community locally.

• To work with schools and colleges to promote initiatives to train and develop skills amongst their students and to take part in national and international training initiatives that support good practice, service and environmental awareness.

• To work with nominated local charities and organisations to assist in their fundraising and environmental awareness campaigns when possible.

• To encourage clients using the meeting and conference facilities of the Iconic hotels to participate in local schemes to ‘give-back’ to the community, including clean-up campaigns, working on projects for schools and community schemes.